
Your Package Arrived And Then Was Stolen. The Shipper Says Tough Luck, Your Loss. If You Had Porch Bandit Protection You Wouldn’t Be Worried.

What Is Porch Bandit Protection?

You subscribe to a package protection plan.

If a package is stolen from your porch and the vendor won’t send you a replacement item you file a claim with your delivery carrier.

If the delivery carrier denies your claim, leaving you without a remedy, your porch bandit protection kicks in and compensates you for the loss of your package in accordance with the terms of the plan you selected.

It is that simple!

Supported delivery carriers include:

Some Bandit Facts

thief-transparent The average value of stolen packages is $140

thief-transparent Being home during the day doesn’t prevent package theft

thief-transparent Police make arrests in less than 10% of reported theft cases

thief-transparent There are an average of 17 incidents per 1,000 people in metro areas
